AI Grades Rare Cancer’s Severity 38% Better

retroperitoneal sarcoma

AI algorithm proves to be more reliable than biopsies and lab analyses in determining the severity of sarcoma.

The medical community is all praise for an AI tool that is two times more accurate and reliable in grading the aggressiveness of a rare form of cancer called sarcoma. Typically, cancer’s severity is analyzed by medical experts in the lab. Lab analysis is 44% accurate, as many details aren’t visible to the naked human eye. The AI tool was 82% accurate.

Researchers from the Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research said that it could potentially improve treatment and benefit thousands every year.

Computers running AI models are significantly better and faster than human beings in recognizing patterns after being fed large amounts of data (which, in this case, were the scans of 170 patients). This alone makes them superior to human beings in cases like these.

Whereas biopsies have limited accuracy, the AI algorithm was able to identify signs much better in patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma (a cancer of the abdomen).

The time to diagnosis and early treatment is extremely crucial in cancer management, and this bodes well for the larger medical industry as the algorithm can be trained on any kind of scan, opening up new possibilities to identify cancers of other types.

In England alone, about 4,300 people are diagnosed with this type of cancer.

By Abhimanyu

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